Powers and duties of the office bearers

  • President
    a) Shall be head of the society.
    b) Shall preside over all the meetings of the society.
    c) Shall have casting vote right in case of tie.
    d) Shall issue instructions to all the members for the efficient work.
    e) Shall be empowered to spend up to a sum of Rs.50000/- for the completion of the work of the society but shall obtain prior permission from Governing body for excess amount and shall get the same be approved in the next meeting.
    f) Shall be empowered to dissolve the Governing body and recommend the General body for formation of new Governing body if and when the Governing body is not functioning smoothly due to non co-operation or unsatisfactory activities of the members of the Governing body of the society
  • Vice President
    a) Shall having all the empower and responsibilities of the president in absence of the president.
    b) Shall amend rule and regulation and issue instruction to all members for the efficient work.
    c) Shall be empowered to spend up to sum of Rs.50000/- for the completion of the work of the society but shall amount and shall get the same be approved in the next meeting.
  • General Secretary
    a) Shall call upon all the meeting of the society and shall inform all the members in writing.
    b) Shall note the proceedings of the Society and enter them in the minute’s books.
    c) Shall make all correspondence for and on behalf of the society.

  • Treasurer
    a) Shall keep and maintain all accounts of the society
    b) Shall collect all fees, subscriptions, aids, grants, contributions etc. on behalf of the society and shall issue proper receipts thereof.
    c) Shall make payments of all the bills approved by the President, General Secretary, Governing body and shall obtain proper receipts thereof.
    d) Shall keep with him up to a sum of Rs.10000/- for emergency need of work of the society and shall deposit the excess amount in the name of the society in any scheduled bank
    e) Shall produce all bills, receipts, vouchers, ledgers etc. for inspection on demand to the president, general secretary, auditor and managing committee.
    f) Shall help the General Secretary in preparing the Annual Accounts of the society

Powers and duties of the non-office bearers

Any individual member/head of the institution/officer/staff of the society shall have no power/authority to sign/ excite any agreement/contract, place order(s), sell, purchase, spend money(s), on behalf of the society without written permission/ approval of the President and/or Governing body.