Shri Balaji Bhagwanji Welfare and Charitable Society understands its moral obligations and so have started a program which is self sufficient and based on the simple philosophy of, not only contributing money but also time and genuine efforts. The program is ever expanding so that its full value and benefits reach the beneficiaries.

Having searched needy people all over India, the Society has so far distributed 1000 buffaloes and calves and is also providing veterinary as well as other necessary help. These families earn their lively hood by selling milk. The only condition necessary put while distributing buffaloes is that when the first calf is grown , the same will be redistributed to another needy family. This program continues under legal supervision. The challenge before the Society presently is to take this figure up to 10000 buffaloes across the country.

This charitable Society is a gift from Lord Balaji to its devotees and all the work done  by the Society is just an invisible contribution.

Our earning is the gratitude for those, who do not have the resources to live life and to make difference in the lives of the underprivileged section of the society.


  •  7000 mango trees distributed and plantation so far.
  •  200 rickshaws distributed to needy people.
  •  Clothes distributed – 10000 sarees, 5000 dhotees and 10000 kid’s dresses.
  •  Old age home of 70 beds with medical facilities.
  •  Providing educational support to poor students.
  •  Installed 100 sewing machines to train people to earn their livelihood.
  •  Purchased one ambulance to bring needy sick people to the old age home.